How We Learn
We have designed our Damers Curriculum to:
- Nurture a love of learning through curiosity, talent and creativity - doing our best to be our very best.
- Provide a caring and safe environment in which to learn.
- Develop a school climate that celebrates diversity of race, gender, culture and ability.
- Demonstrate pride in our partnerships within our school and within the community.
- Nurture confident and independent individuals who value themselves, others and the world around them.
- Provide a range of opportunities to challenge, extend and enrich the learning and lives of our children.
Our curriculum has been designed to create a balance between the National Curriculum statutory requirements and a range of experiences which allow our pupils the opportunities to broaden their life experiences. Our curriculum provides our pupils with experiences and opportunities which best meet their learning and developmental needs. Through clear strategic planning, our curriculum provides not only memorable experiences but is rich in opportunities from which the children can learn and develop transferable skills. The acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills is carefully planned to create a coherent, purposeful and exciting learning journey for every child, ensuring that milestones are met at key stages throughout their education. Our vibrant and rich curriculum is designed so that the subject-specific skills are scaffolded within a cross-curricular theme or context each half-term. In order to ensure that progression and balance is maintained, the school curriculum overview is then developed into half-termly Sequences of Learning for each year group, which clearly highlight the learning objectives, assessment and enrichment opportunities. Teachers plan and tailor units of work and lessons to address the specific individual needs of pupils so that all pupils are able to reach their full potential regardless of their starting point, with support from subject leaders. Regular CPD enables all staff to develop a research-based deep understanding of effective teaching and learning.
We aim, through our teaching, to develop understanding by building well-developed schema: through progressively planning and building on previous knowledge, we deliver content and knowledge in small, well sequenced steps and consistently use questioning and feedback to address misconceptions and move learning forward for all pupils.
Our Foundation Subjects are taught through a well sequenced blocked approach to allow for effective spaced out learning and contextually enriched to provide all our children with the knowledge, understanding and opportunity to celebrate their own and other heritages, awe and wonder at our natural world and build up knowledge, a sense of ambition and attributes, underpinned by our commitment to living sustainable lives, which will prepare them for their next steps in life.