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Our Wessex family of schools

The school day and term dates

Term Dates



Monday 2nd September INSET Day
Tuesday 3rd September Start of term
Thursday 24th October  INSET Day
Friday 25th October  INSET Day
Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November Half term holiday
Thursday 19th December  End of term
Friday 20th December INSET Day
Monday 6th January INSET Day 
Tuesday 7th January  Start of term
Monday 17th – Friday 21st February Half term holiday
Friday 4th April End of term
Monday 7th April- Monday 21st April Easter Holiday
Tuesday 22nd April INSET Day
Wednesday 23rd April  Start of term
Monday 5th May May Bank Holiday
Monday 26th May – Friday 30th May Half term holiday
Friday 18th July End of term
Monday 21st July INSET Day
Tuesday 22nd July INSET Day


Autumn term 2025   
Monday 1st September INSET Day
Tuesday 2nd September Start of term
Tuesday 21st October End of term
Wednesday 22nd October INSET Day
Thursday 23rd October INSET Day
Friday 24th October INSET Day
Monday 27th October - Friday 31st October Half term holiday
Monday 3rd November Start of term
Thursday 18th December End of term
Friday 19th December  INSET Day 
Monday 22nd December - Friday 2nd January 2025  Christmas Holiday 
Monday 5th January INSET Day
Tuesday 6th January Start of term
Friday 13th February End of term
Monday 16th February - Friday 20th February Half term holiday
Monday 23rd February Start of term
Friday 27th March End of term
Monday 30th March - Friday 10th April Easter holiday
Monday 13th April INSET Day
Tuesday 14th April  Start of term
Friday 1st May INSET Day
Monday 4th May Bank Holiday
Friday 22nd May End of term
Monday 25th May - Friday 29th May Half term holiday
Monday 1st June  Start of term
Friday 17th July End of term
Monday 20th July - Monday 31st August Summer Holiday
Tuesday 1st September INSET Day

The School Day

School Organisation

Our school is organised into ‘Strands’ (Chalkhill, Grayling, Meadow and Skipper) which include classes from each of the three stages of education at Damers:

Foundation Stage

Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)

Key Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4)

School Times

All children attend school for 32.5 hours in total each week.  We stagger the start and end of the school day for our strands to ensure that children have a calm and independent start and end to their day, with a reduced number of children entering and leaving the school site at the same time. We aim to keep families within the same strand so that siblings can start and end their school day at the same time. Our aim is to ensure that strands arrive steadily between 8.25 am and 8.50 am, and leave steadily between 3.00 pm and 3.20 pm, allowing every child and their parents / carers the opportunity to be greeted personally by classroom staff and other key staff including the Head of School, Deputy and Assistant Headteachers.  

Grayling strand begin their day at 8.30 am and leave at 3.00 pm

Meadow strand begin their day at 8.40 am and leave at 3.10 pm

Skipper / Chalkhill strands begin their day at 8.50 am and leave at 3.20 pm

Please note that classroom staff will greet children on the gates 5 minutes before the times indicated above to allow them to be in the classroom for the start of their day (registration time).

Breaks - All classes have their lunch break between 12.00 pm and 1.00 pm

All classes take a 15 minute break during the morning session and Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 may take an additional 10 minute break during the afternoon session.


Assemblies are very much part of our school life. They provide a regular opportunity to enhance the community life of the school and are used to explore and embed the values and principles which underpin our values and everyday life at Damers.

Our week begins with a strand assembly for the children in Years 1-4 and our strand assemblies incorporate our current focus values alongside our Jigsaw themes and any learning and links with relevant current local, national and global events. Children are set a challenge for the week which will involve putting our learning or focus value into practice throughout their week.  Year groups then meet on a Wednesday for singing together and a look at global issues, observances in different religions, Black History Month and other important and notable times in our calendar.  We gather again on a Friday afternoon in key stages to celebrate individual achievements linked with our theme.